Thursday, July 24, 2008

Changing Customer Hierarchy Node Assignment in SAP SD

You can make changes in a customer hierarchy to reflect changes in the structure of a customer's organization. When you reassign a node or customer within a hierarchy, all dependent nodes and customer master records are automatically reassigned as well.


To reassign a customer within a customer hierarchy, proceed as follows:

  1. In the
  2. SD Master Data Screen select, Business partners ® Customer hierarchy ®Change.

    You reach the selection screen for customer hierarchies.

  3. Enter a customer hierarchy type (the standard version includes only one type: A), a validity date, and select Program
  4. ® Execute.

    The system displays a list of existing customer hierarchies that are valid for the date you entered.

  5. Place your cursor on the customer you want to move and select Edit
  6. ® Hierarchy nodes ® Cut.

    The system removes the customer from the existing assignment and displays it as a single node in the overview screen.

  7. Place your cursor on the customer and select Edit
  8. ® Nodes ® Reassign.

    A dialog box lists all nodes with the same organizational data as the customer you want to reassign.

  9. To select the appropriate node, double-click on the node or place your cursor on it and select Copy.
  10. The system automatically assigns the customer to the new location.

  11. Save your work.

Reassigning a Sub-Hierarchy

You can also move an entire sub-hierarchy to another location within a customer hierarchy or even - if the organizational data allows it - to another hierarchy. To move a sub-hierarchy from one location to another, proceed as follows:

  1. Place your cursor on the highest-level node of the sub-hierarchy and select Edit
  2. ® Sub-hierarchy ® Cut.

    The system removes the sub-hierarchy from the customer hierarchy and displays it as a separate hierarchy.

  3. To reassign the sub-hierarchy to a different location in the original customer hierarchy, place your cursor on the highest-level node of the removed sub-hierarchy and select Edit
  4. ® Sub-hierarchy ® Reassign.

    A dialog box lists all nodes with the same organizational data as the sub-hierarchy you want to reassign.

  5. To select the appropriate node, double-click on the node or place your cursor on it and select Copy.
  6. The system automatically makes the new assignment.

  7. Save your work.

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