Thursday, July 24, 2008

Credit Limits for Groups of Customers Credit and Risk Management in FI/SD


You can assign a credit limit to both a group of customers and an individual customer. If your company has different branches, you would define the credit limit for just one customer of this group (the head office) and this customer account then becomes the credit account.


  1. To assign a credit account to a branch account, from the
  2. Credit Management screen, choose Financial accounting data ® Master records ® Maintain.

    Enter the name of your customer, the corresponding credit control area and select the Status indicator.

    The system displays the Change Customer Credit Management: Status screen.

  3. Choose the function Edit
  4. ® Change credit account. In the dialog box that appears, you can enter the credit account (the account number of the customer you are using) to set the credit limit for the entire group.

After you choose ENTER, the system contains the credit limit of the branch as 0.00. The Credit account field displays the account number of the customer for which the reference credit limit is defined.

You can only specify a credit account within a credit control area.

The accumulating total of receivables is recorded both for the reference customer and the "dependent" customer. However, the system checks only against the reference customer as to whether the credit limit has been exceeded.

When displaying the credit account, you can view which customers are referenced to this account. To do this, from the credit account master data screen, choose Edit ® Cust. for credit acct.


You have assigned a credit account to a branch account.

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