Monitoring a customer’s credit situation.
- From the Credit Management screen, choose Financial accounting data ® Master records ® Display.
By choosing Extras and Environment, you can display a customer’s payment data, dunning data, and view their payment history.
- Choose the views Overview and Status and choose Enter.
On the Customer Credit Management Display: Overview screen, the system displays the individual credit limit, the existing total liabilities, and the credit limit used (percentage).
The Day Sales Outstanding (DSO) figure is also displayed. The DSO figure is an index of the relationship between outstanding receivables and sales achieved over a given period. In the standard system, this figure is calculated by taking into account current receivables, and a period of 3 months plus the days of the current month. When displaying the credit management data for a given customer, the basis on which the DSO figure is calculated can be viewed by choosing Extras ® DSO calculation.
In Customizing for Financial Accounting, you can define other parameters by which DSO is calculated. You do so in the activity Define Preliminary Settings for Credit Management.
If you have recorded the customer’s payment history (see the indicator Rec.pmnt hist. indicator under Payment transactions view in the customer master record) or made other internal specifications, this data is also displayed here.
- Choose Enter. The system displays the Customer Credit Management Change: Status screen
on which the following data is displayed:
- Receivables from sales (unless they are marked as disputed items)
- Special liabilities relating to special G/L transactions which you marked as credit limit-relevant (down payments for example)
- Sales value
By choosing Extras ® Sales value you can break the sales value down into open orders, open deliveries and open billing documents.
- Credit exposure
When you post a customer invoice or create a billing document, the system automatically adds the amount to the existing receivables or to the receivables from special G/L transactions. When you post the incoming payment, the amount is subtracted from current receivables.
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