You can display all changes which have been made in a customer master record. You can display changes in the display mode and in the change mode. There are two ways of doing this: Steps
Displaying Changes to Sales and Distribution Data
To display changes to sales and distribution data in the customer master record for, for example a sold-to party, proceed as follows:
- In the SD Master Data Screen select, Business partners ®Sold-to Party ®Display changes ®Display changes.
- Enter the customer number. In addition, you can enter criteria such as the sales area and the user who made the changes as search terms.
- Press ENTER.
- Select Back until you return to the initial screen.
You reach the Customer Account Changes: Initial Screen.
You reach the screen Customer Changes: Changed Fields screen. The system lists the changed fields. The following functions are available to you:
- You can display the changes made to a field by placing the cursor on the corresponding line and selecting Edit ® Choose.
- You can display all changes made to a customer master record by selecting All changes. You reach the screen Customer Changes: Overview where you see a list of the changed field entries, including the date, and the old and the new value.
Displaying Changes to all Data
To display changes to all master record data (accounting data and sales and distribution data), proceed as follows:
- In the SD Master Data Screen select, Business partners ®Sold-to Party ®Display changes ®Display central.
- Enter the customer number. In addition, you can enter criteria such as the sales area, the date from which you want to check for changes, the company code, and the name of the user who made the changes as search terms.
- Select ENTER.
- Select Back until you return to the initial screen.
You reach the Customer Account Changes: Initial Screen.
You reach the screen Customer Changes: Changed Fields screen. The system lists the changed fields. You can perform the functions described in the above section.
Displaying Changes for Multiple Customers
You can also use the Display changes function to display changes to customer master data for more than one customer. This is done as follows:
- In the SD Master Data Screen select, Business partners ®Sold-to Party ®Display changes ®Multiple customers.
- Enter the range of customer names or numbers which you want to check. In addition, you can specify search terms such as the date from which you want to check for changes and the user who made the changes.
- Specify the data (general, financial accounting, sales and distribution) which you want to check for changes by marking the appropriate fields. Then enter the corresponding organizational data as required. You can limit the field group(s) which are to be checked.
- Indicate how you want the list to be sorted by entering the appropriate sort method in the Sorting field. If you want the technical names of the fields to be displayed in the compiled list., mark the Technical field names field.
- Select ENTER.
- Select Back until you return to the initial screen.
You reach the Display of Customer Changes screen.
You reach the Customer Changes:Changed Fields screen. The system lists the changed fields.
You can search within the list for, for example, records changed on a on a particular date or for a particular customer by selecting Edit ® Find. A dialog box appears in which you can enter a search term which suits your purposes (the creation date or customer name, for example).
Display in the Customer Master Record
You can also display the changes in the customer master record when you are in the change or display mode by selecting either Environment ® Field changes or Environment ® Account changes.
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