Thursday, July 24, 2008

Deleting an Assignment in a Customer Hierarchy in SAP SD


You can delete assignments in a hierarchy. When you make a deletion, the system reacts differently, depending on the validity period of the assignment. For example, other assignments may automatically be changed as a result of the deletion. The following scenarios describe possible system reactions:

  • The valid-from date lies in the past.

The system updates the assignment and sets the valid-to date to yesterday's date.

  • The valid-from date is today's date or lies in the future.

The system physically deletes the assignment.

  • Other assignments exist for the nodes in question with adjoining validity periods.

The system checks whether validity periods of the remaining assignments can be extended (see following example).

The following assignments exist for the same node (one assignment effective now, the other later):

4712 ® 4711 (01.01.1993 - 31.12.1994)

4712 ® 5000 (01.01.1995 - 31.12.9999)

If you delete the second assignment on 02/02/1994, the system changes the valid-to date of the first assignment to 12/31/9999. However, if you delete the second assignment on 02/02/1995, the system changes the valid-to date of this assignment to 02/01/1995. If you delete the first assignment on 02/02/1994, the system advises you that a future validity for this assignment exists.

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