Sunday, January 18, 2009

Defining Defaults for a Material Master Record

If you want to always work with the same views (for example, the sales screens), at the same organizational level or within the same industry sector, you do not need to enter all these specification every time you carry out a transaction in the material master record. You can define defaults for each user.


If you want to define a certain view selection as a default, you must select a material type such as trading goods, to reach the data screen in which you define the defaults. Defining defaults other material types is done in the same way. Proceed as follows:

  1. In the
  2. SD Master Data Screen select, Products ® Material ® Trading goods ®Change.

    You reach the Change Material: Initial Screen.

  3. In the menu bar, select Defaults.
  4. You see a pull-down menu with the options Industry sector, Views and Organizational levels.

  5. Select the menu option Views.
  6. A dialog box appears from which you can select the views which you want to work with.

  7. Select your views as required. In addition, mark the field View selection only on request.
  8. Press ENTER.

You have now defined a default for view selection. When you edit a material master record, the dialog box for view selection is no longer displayed and you automatically access the predefined views.

In the same way, you can suppress the selection of the organizational level or the industry sector for processing a material master record. The use of defaults speeds up access to material master records.

Cancelling Defaults

To cancel a default, repeat the described procedure and delete the check mark in the View selection only on request field.

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