Monday, January 5, 2009

SD Maximum Number of Sales Orders


You can specify the maximum number of orders in a condition record. For example, you offer your customers a special discount on a new product. You want the discount to count for the introductory order and for one refill order. The system keeps track of the number of orders the customer places and, after the maximum number is reached, automatically deactivates the condition record. After deactivation the condition type no longer appears on the pricing screen in the order. In addition, the system automatically stores statistical data for condition records where a maximum number of orders is specified.

Specifying the Maximum Number of Orders

You can specify the maximum number of orders (up to a maximum of three) in the condition record. The condition update indicator must be maintained in Customizing for Sales for the corresponding condition types.

To specify the maximum number of orders:

  1. Choose Logistics
  2. ® Sales and Distribution ® Master data.

    You reach the Sales Master Data screen.

  3. Choose Conditions and select the condition record you want to work with.
  4. Within the condition record, choose Additional sales data.
  5. Enter the maximum number in the Maximum number of orders field.
  6. Choose
  7. Back to return to the overview screen of the condition record or save your work.

Viewing Update Data in the Condition Record

To view the orders in which the condition record was used to date:

  1. Within the condition record, choose Extras
  2. ® Cumulative values.

    A dialog box displays the cumulative base value (in this case, the quantity) of sales orders where this condition record was used.

  3. Choose Last orders.

The system displays a list of the orders to date.

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