Monday, January 5, 2009

Pricing Screens in Sales Documents


The system displays pricing information for all sales documents on pricing screens. There is a pricing screen that shows pricing information for the document header and a pricing screen that shows information for each item in the document. You specify the condition types that appear in the pricing screens and the sequence in which they appear is controlled in Customizing for Sales and Distribution.

Header Pricing Screen

No automatic pricing takes place at the header level of a document so the header pricing screen mostly displays a summary of the pricing calculations for all items in the document. However, the header pricing screen also includes information about special condition types that you can apply manually at the header level and that apply to all items in the document. For example, you can manually enter a discount that the system automatically distributes among the various items according to factors such as order quantity or weight. For further information on header conditions, see Freight Costs.

Item Pricing Screen

The item pricing screen displays details of each price element that applies to an item. For example, for each item in a sales order, you can see the amounts, currency, and units or measure on which the system based its calculations

Which Pricing Elements Appear in the Pricing Screens

You determine the kind and sequence of pricing elements that appear in the pricing screens in Customizing for Sales and Distribution. Your system administrator determines which condition types you can work with and in which sequence they appear.


The sequence consists of various pricing elements (price, discounts, and surcharges) and subtotals. For example, all the discounts that apply in this case are subtotalled before the surcharge for freight costs is added. The system then calculates the appropriate sales tax and finally produces a net value for the order.

Statistical Pricing Elements

Statistical pricing elements - such as cash discount, cost, and profit margin - are for information only and have no effect on the net order value. They appear at the bottom of the pricing screen.

How to Select Pricing Screens

When you are working in a document, you can branch to the header and item pricing screens:

  • To reach the header pricing screen, choose Header
  • ® Pricing.
  • To reach the item pricing screen, mark the appropriate item and choose Item
  • ® Pricing.

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