Thursday, June 12, 2008

CIN-Assigning Excise Invoices to a Delivery

Assigning Excise Invoices to a Delivery


You follow this procedure to specify which excise invoices are to be assigned to a delivery from a depot (or other material document).

You can also automate this procedure, using the batch selection program (J_1IJCHK), by making the appropriate Customizing settings in the Country Version India (CIN) Implementation Guide (IMG).


1. From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Indirect Taxes ® Sales/Outbound Movements ® Excise Invoice ® For Depot ® Create/Change/Display ® Delivery or Material Document ® RG 23D Selection.
2. Enter the delivery document number or the material number and choose .
3. Select the excise invoice you want.
4. Choose .
5. Choose Excise invoice.

A list of excise invoices appears. These are the excise invoices at the depot with a balance quantity.

The system also shows a list of the A certificates that can be used. You can pick up any of the A certificates, but they must be for the same excise invoice. You can only pick up an A certificate in its entirety. You cannot select part of an A certificate.

6. Select the excise invoices that are relevant to the delivery.
7. Specify what quantity to be used from each excise invoice.

The system recalculates the excise accordingly.

8. Go back to the item details screen.
9. Save the data.


The system creates an entry in register RG 23D and generates the depot excise invoice numbers.
If you selected any A certificates, the system also generates additional entries in the RG 23D register. The system marks the original A certificates as updated, so that they cannot be used for any other removals.

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