Thursday, June 12, 2008

CIN-Automatic Creation of Excise Invoices

Automatic Creation of Excise Invoices


The SAP System can automatically create an outgoing excise invoice for you immediately you post a commercial invoice (or a pro forma invoice) for a customer sale. This function applies to excise invoices for sales from factories only.


To activate this function, in the Country Version India (CIN) Implementation Guide (IMG), make the following settings:

* Under Global Settings ® Excise Groups, select Create EI.

This activates the automatic creation function.

* Under Sales and Distribution ® Utilization Determination.

Here, you specify which CENVAT accounts the system is to post the different types of excise duty to.

* Under Sales and Distribution ® Excise Group–Series Group Determination.

Here, you specify which excise group and series group the excise invoices are to be created for.

When you post an invoice, the system creates an excise invoice. All the information that it needs to create the excise invoice is provided either by the invoice or by the Customizing settings that you have made in Sales and Distribution. It also determines the excise invoice type automatically by means of a user exit.

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