Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Deferring Confirmation of Quantities in Sales Documents

In Customizing, using Requirements transfer per delivery block, you can specify that certain delivery blocks in the sales document header also defer the confirmation of order quantities, in that the deferral period is entered.

If, for example, you enter a delivery block in the sales order header and the oreder quantities can be confirmed within the deferral period specified, the system adds the deferral period to the current date, thus determining a material staging date. The requirements can, however, be passed on.

An order needs a letter of credit. The letter of credit will only be available in 14 days time, however. For this reason you want to block the order until the letter of credit arrives. You also do not want to reserve the material yet. In this case, a deferral period of 14 days must be entered in Customizing for the corresponding delivery block. You set the delivery block in the order header. The system carries out the availability check. The order quantity can be confirmed within the deferral period. The system adds 14 days to the current date and confirms the resulting, later date.

You can only use this option if scheduling is active for transportation and delivery.

See also:

Setting a delivery block

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