Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Credit Management Reports Credit and Risk Management in FI/SD

The following table provides an overview of all the reports that are available for credit management:




Customers with Missing Credit Data

Checks whether the data regarding credit limits is complete and issues relevant error lists. These enable you to maintain the relevant definitions either manually or with batch input.


Reset Credit Limit for Customers

Resets the credit limit information in the control areas.


Credit Limit Overview

Lists the central and control area data for each customer.


Credit Overview

Provides a comprehensive overview of the customer’s credit situation.


Credit Master Sheet

Displays and prints the customer master data for an individual account that is needed for credit management.


Early Warning List

Displays and prints customers in Credit Management who have been listed by the credit check as critical.


Credit Limit Data Mass Change

Changes all the credit management master data together.


Display Changes to Credit Management

Displays the changes to credit management master data for all accounts.


Check Blocked Credit Documents

Checks all the documents blocked for credit reasons. The report is started in the background and should run after the incoming payments programs.


Reorganize SD Credit Data

Reorganizes open credit, delivery and billing values. It can be used in the event of an update error, for example.


Checking sales documents which reach the credit horizon

Rechecks all sales documents that fall within the credit limit horizon of the dynamic credit limit check. The report is run at regular intervals and should be run at the start of each period. The system uses the current date and the period split for the open order values to propose the ‘next credit check date’.


Check Credit Documentsin Background

Checks released documents whose validity period of the release has been exceeded (number of days).


Simulating Reorganization of SD Credit Data

To run a report:

  • Choose System
  • --> Services --> Reporting.
  • Enter the name of the report.
  • Choose Program
  • -->Execute.
  • Enter your selection criteria.
  • Choose Program

  • --> Execute or Program --> Execute and print.

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