Thursday, June 12, 2008

CIN-Specifying Which CENVAT Accounts to Adjust

Specifying Which CENVAT Accounts to Adjust


When you make an adjustment posting, you have to specify which CENVAT accounts are to be adjusted.


You have specified in the Country Version India (CIN) Implementation Guide (IMG) whether you want the users to be able to add extra debit accounts (see below), by choosing Global Settings ® Company Settings.


1. Choose Determine G/L accounts.

A dialog box appears that shows how much will be posted to which G/L accounts. The accounts that are displayed depend on the excise group and the CENVAT account that you entered on the selection screen.

2. Add another account, if you need to, and adjust the other postings so that the credits and debits match.
3. Enter a business area and cost center, if necessary.

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