Thursday, June 12, 2008

CIN-Excise Invoice (Outgoing)

Excise Invoice (Outgoing)


The document that acts as the proof of payment of excise duty and is required for the customer to take CENVAT credit on the item.


In the SAP System, there are three different procedures for creating excise invoices

* Sales direct from the factory

This procedure is for when you sell manufactured goods straight from the factory at which they were produced, in which case you levy excise duty when the goods leave the factory on their way to the customer.

If, when you send the goods to the customer, you enclose the commercial invoice, you create the excise invoice with reference to the commercial invoice. If you want to send the commercial invoice after you have dispatched the goods, however, you create the excise invoice with reference to a pro forma commercial invoice. For more information about these procedures, see Sales from Factories.

As well as creating excise invoices individually, you can also create them in batches (see Creation of Excise Invoices in Batches).

* Sales from depots

A depot is a site at which the goods are stored, away from the factory at which they were produced. In this procedure, you have to levy the excise duty when you transfer the goods from the factory to the depot, and then make sure this is passed on to the customer when it makes a purchase. For more information, see Sales from Depots.

* Sales (other goods movements)

Some other goods movements may also require you to create an excise invoice with reference to other documents. The SAP System offers separate functions for these purposes (see Excise Invoices (Outgoing) for Other Movements).

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