Thursday, June 12, 2008

CIN-Other Outward Movements

Other Outward Movements


In the standard procedure for creating outgoing excise invoices (see Sales from Factories), the excise invoice is created with reference to a delivery note or an invoice. The SAP System also allows you to create an excise invoice with reference to various other documents, as follows:

* Goods issue documents (for example, transfer postings)
* Vendor excise invoices (for when you return faulty goods to a vendor, for example)
* Factory excise invoice (for sales returns)

In addition, you can create an excise invoice without reference to any document at all.


You have specified, per excise group, whether you want to create these excise invoices in one or two steps (see below). You do so in the CIN Implementation Guide (IMG), by choosing Global Settings ® Excise Groups.

You have also specified the maximum number of items allowed per excise invoice, in the CIN IMG, by choosing Global Settings ® Excise Registration IDs.


Depending on your Customizing settings, you to create excise invoices in a single step or in two steps, as follows:

* In the two-step procedure, one operator first creates the excise invoice, but no postings are made. A second operator then verifies that the invoice is correct and, if so, posts it.
* If the operators are more experienced, you may want to use the one-step procedure, which is quicker, but more prone to error.

In this case, when you create an excise invoice, the system automatically posts it in the background.
Note that the functions for creating and canceling these excise invoices are different from those for other excise invoices.

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