Friday, October 10, 2008

SAP SD Designating Deviating Partners at Item Level Partner Determination in Sales and Distribution


The following customer order example shows how you can designate a partner at item level, that is different to the partner in the document header.

Customer 101 is generally the sold-to party as well as the ship-to party. But for materials with a specific volume the customer would like the delivery to go directly to warehouse L1, which is out of town.

Customer 101 issues an order with two items: The first item should be delivered to customer 101, the second item must be delivered to L1 because of its size.


You have set the partner function ship-to party for sales document items in the partner determination procedure in Customizing and have defined this as changeable.


  1. Create a customer sales order as usual.

  2. The system copies the partner from the customer master into the document header and then from the document header into the items.

  3. Select the item, that should have a different partner.
  4. Choose Goto ® Item ®
  5. Partners.

The partner screen for the item appears. Here you can overwrite the changeable partner functions.


The material from the first item is delivered to customer 101, the material from the second item to warehouse L1.

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