Tuesday, October 21, 2008

What are Long Texts in SAP SD Conditions


You can maintain long texts in the condition records for Pricing and for Agreements (Bonus, Sales deal and Promotion).

These give information, e.g. on the following:

  • Information on the condition record system
  • Information on licenses
  • Information on invalidity

If you wish, long texts in the rebate agreement can also be transferred into documents (e.g. into the credit memo request for a rebate payment and from there into the rebate credit memo.

For texts in Price Conditions, transferring to documents is not supported.

Texts are not copied over when creating condition records with references.

The following text types are set up in the standard system:

  • 0001: Opening comments
  • 0002: Licenses
  • 0003: Closing comments
  • 1000: Bonus payment

There are some buttons in the condition record for text maintenance.

In addition you can use an editor for a text type in the detail screen of the condition record, which allows you to create body text.


In Customizing for Text Determination you can set up your own text types.HyperLink: SIMG.SIMG_XXMENUOLSDVOTX2 "Create text types" v>

For an agreement type decide which text type should appear in the agreement for maintenance with "Text Edit Control". SIMG.SIMG_CFMENUOLSDVOK0 "Maintain condition types" v>

When text is transferred from the bonus agreement to the bonus documents, the document pricing procedure ‘B3’ is set up in the standard system with the text type 1000.

HyperLink: CHAP.SIMG_CFMENUOLSDVOTX "Maintain text determination" v>

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