Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Selecting a Worklist for Output in SAP SD

  1. Call the corresponding function:


Menu path

What you should know


Shipping screen

Creating delivery output

Outbound delivery ® Delivery output

Creating loading output

Pack/load ® Loading output

Creating shipping unit output

Pack/load ® Shp. unit output


Shipping screen

Creating shipment output

Output ® Shipment

You can print shipment output and other output for documents that refer to a shipment (such as billing documents or deliveries). To do this, select the corresponding field and enter the processing data in the relevant sections.


Billing screen

Creating billing output

Output ® Billing documents

See Output from billing documents.

Sales and Distribution in general

Using background processing

Tools ® ABAP Workbench, ABAP Editor

Reports used for output begin with SD70A.

Report RSNAST00

Tools ® ABAP Workbench, ABAP Editor

Run report RSNAST00.

  1. Enter the output type, the transmission medium, and, if required, further selection parameters.
  2. If you wish to have a worklist displayed for output that was not processed successfully, enter 3 in the Processing mode field. The system displays all types of output with errors, and you can then process them once again.

  3. If you want to display the worklist first and/or make changes, select Program ® Execute.
  4. If you want to process the output as a background job, select Program ® Execute in background. In this case, you cannot make any changes.

  5. If you want to edit output, select the corresponding output.
  6. For more information on processing output, refer to Processing Output in Worklists.

  7. Choose Edit
  8. ® Process.

    The system creates and processes the selected output.

  9. If you wish to have a log generated after processing the output, choose Goto ® Log.

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