Sunday, October 5, 2008

Some SAP SD Interview Questions

What is the movement type you used in consignment process?
### 632, 633, 634, 631

Can team size be 40 in a project? Is there any generalized team size no. for any project? If we tell my team size is 40 in that what no. we can say sd people are?
## Team size cant be forty, Theres no genralized size of team. Never
40 sd consultants work together on same project.

What is ALE?
## Application Linking and Enabling - Generally ABAPers work on it.

What is meant by condition technique: can we say it is the combination of condition types, access sequence and condition tables?
## yes

Where do we can find pricing procedure indicator in sd ?
## Pricing procedure is where we maintain all Conditions (like PR00, K004, mwst, kp00, etc)

Where do we assign calender in the master records?
## In IMG screen Global Settings.

What is the importance of customer account groups?
## We maintain the customer account to maintain payment terms and incoterms. Lets say, if SP is only booking order but the goods should deliver in foreign country and for which SP is not going to bare the excise and other taxes then the SH party or payer will tke teh responsibity then the tax is calculated based on account groups.

What are incoterms? Where do we fix them? Where do you find in regular process?
## Incoterms or international comm. terms and u find in CMR - Sales area Data - billing Tab.

How can you make some of the fields as key field in generic tables?
## Some fields in all tables have a indicator on it.To see, then go to SE11, display VBAK, u will find MANDT on top, if you see after description 2 tick marks, those are key fields. Gernerally, these key fields are used in writing any Program or Interface. The key fields will extract data of non key fields .

What is the standard group condition routine in condition type, what is its importance?
## Its better u read Group Conditions in PR00.

How do you control entry possibility of condition values at order through condition type settings?
## You can maintain the maximum and minimum value for all conditions.

What are the customizing settings in pricing procedure for tax condition type?
## Check out the standard pricing procedure RVAA01 - MWST.

A bunch of data need to be imported. A huge no.of creations are required, how it is possible in SAP?
## thru LSMW, BAPI.

What is the difference between PGI cancellation and returns order?
## PGI cancellation is done before the transportation of goods. But return order means its already transported reached customer during transit if materil is spoiled or broke or the goods r not delivered as per customer requested date.then customer send the goods baack to company.

What is the integrated areas in SD AND FI, SD AND MM, SD AND PP in both implementation and support projects?
## SD & FI - Possible in Account Determination, for posting the conditions to revelant G/l account like all prices goes to one particular g/l account. Also in Credit Management, Taxes.

SD & MM - Possible in Batches, Material Requirement Planning.

SD & PP - Possible in Material Requirement planning.

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